Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Blog Seven

Roe Ethridge, Old Fruit, 2010
I chose this image because I find it very interesting that the photographer chose to preserve something so revolting in such a beautiful manner.


Zeke Berman, Interior, 1982, 16x20in.
I chose this image because I like the nostalgia that it evokes.  Even though the subjects seem very staged and the photograph was taken very deliberately, it still feels like it's preserving a memory or some specific place in time.


Both of these images are still lives.  Ethridge's image, technically speaking, follows more of a traditional layout of a still life.  The subject matter however, is a little unconventional, usually something not dead or rotting is included.  Berman's image is not set up quite as traditionally as Ethridge's.  It could be considered a contemporary still life.  But like Ethridge's,  the items included seem to be there very purposefully, like they are meant to convey something specific. 

Images of My Own:

I chose this image for its simplicity.  I like how there isn't much in the photo, but the little there is, can be pretty powerful.  A lot of symbolism can be drawn from a window that is included in a photograph.

I chose this image mostly for the color.  I love photos with saturated, vibrant colors.  I also like that the pumpkins fill the entire frame, leaving room for nothing else.

I chose this photo because of its extreme perspective.  I think the use of perspective can add interest to something that may otherwise be boring.  I also like the contrast of the vibrant blue sky with the muted colors of the worn wood and corn stalks.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Blog Six

Ryan Mc Ginley, Night Sky (Green), 2009
This image relates to some of my work because I'm interested in night photography.  I enjoy taking photos of rural and urban landscapes at night.  I especially enjoy including the stars in my night images.


Anthony Goicolea, Cliffside, 2002
I chose this images because I mostly enjoy photographing landscapes.  Especially rural landscapes that do not have any people in them.  This image feels lonely with the abandoned staircase, and my images often seem lonely or abandoned.


Carl Freedman, Night Flower No. 10, 2004
This images relates to my work again through subject matter.  I enjoy photographing flowers and I think that picturing them on a solid black background makes them really stand out and is something I tend to repeat in my work.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Blog Five

Jeanne Liotta, Still from Eclipse, 2005

Billy Sullivan

Amy Blakemore, Jill in Woods, 2005

These three artist's work are all ephemeral images or use ephemeral materials that represent a fleeting moment in time.  They are about capturing a specific moment in time and preserving something that would otherwise pass unnoticed and be forgotten.

Images of My Own:

I selected this image because I thought the sign was so funny.  It is a sign for an art gallery in Leadville. 

I chose this image mostly because of the color.  I like the repetition of the similar buildings with the bold, bright colors.

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I like this image because it points out something out of the ordinary.  Usually it's someone's name or hand prints preserved in cement.  But these dog prints took me by surprise and it called for a picture!